Simon Garfield Bown holds a diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy with the UK National Council for Hypnotherapy and is certified in Past Life Regression Therapy with the Past Life Awakening Institute and a member of International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine.
Simon has a fascination with the idea that consciousness is not a product of the physical brain but exists apart from it and the brain acts as some kind of receiver of consciousness perhaps like a radio is the receiver of a radio signal.
He started reading books on the paranormal before he was in high school. Back then he loved books about ghosts, UFOs, mediumship and any other subject that was supernatural. As time passed and he gained a more mature viewpoint he found his interest moved to evidence of the afterlife. When he read Dr Raymond Moody’s book ‘Life After Life’ he became more focussed on the evidence side of the subject matter. In Near Death Experiences people would report that they had seen things while they were clinically dead and these things were confirmed as occurring as they described. This was a very clear indication that their consciousness left their body.
Simon has had many of his own paranormal experiences including psychic flashes, UFO sightings and a number of strange events not easily explained. These proved to him that there is something more to us than flesh and blood and that humans are energetic beings working through a cycle of reincarnation with the aim of experiencing everything there is to be experienced as a human being.
Simon has produced well over 400 podcast episodes. Each one is an hour long interview with a researcher or someone who has had an amazing experience. Almost all of his guests have written books and in preparation for each episode Simon has read them all, gaining knowledge to ask in-depth questions. Combining the information and insight gained from the interviews and the books gave Simon a detailed overview of the concepts of Reincarnation, Near Death Experiences and the continuation of consciousness.
Simon took part in his first past life regression in 1987 at the College of Psychic Studies in London. The thoughts and feelings he experienced stay with him to this day. Since then Simon has viewed several other past lives through hypnotic regression. They have never failed to provoke intense feelings and give great insight.
When Simon is not working, he is enjoying his many interests. He has played bass guitar for over 35 years and also writes science fiction.