
In advance of your appearance, the Journeying Soul requires this release to be signed and returned to in advance.

Also, please send any bio, links, or bio photo that you would like included on the webpage that will be dedicated to your episode to guests (at) thejourneyingsoul.com

And be in touch if you have any questions.

An Important Note for You from Your Host Helena

The barriers to entry for podcast hosts are depressingly low and anyone with very little equipment or knowledge can hang out a shingle and start broadcasting.   After hosting the first 20 guests or so on the Journeying Soul, I learned that many hosts do not read their guests’ books or otherwise prepare for interviews.  One guest even told me that he had appeared on 40 or so podcasts and I was the first host to even request his book, not to mention actually read it.

Please be aware that I read my guests’ books and prep for our time together.   You will not have to do all the heavy lifting in our conversation.  In exchange, I request that when I ask a question of you that you, as my guest, sincerely engage with me and refrain from pivoting to a story or talking point that I very well may have seen you deliver – nearly word for word – in previous appearances that I have come across in my preparation.   As a host, my misery is the guest that ignores the premise of a question like they are standing in front of the White House Press Corp and goes to their list of rote talking points.   I certainly understand that you are appearing to promote yourself, your service, your book, your project, etc. and we can get that done – and have fun with it!

Our conversation will discuss your work and life experiences.   I’d like you to approach it like we’re meeting up for a cup of coffee/tea/whatever and discussing and trading ideas.  This isn’t a 60 Minutes interview.   This is more like a date where I’ve cyberstalked you in advance a little bit.  And read your book!